Senior Pastor
J. Eric Kelsie, MDiv
To cultivate an inclusive body of biblical believers who continue to grow in Christ, as we love, serve, and fellowship with the community and each other.
God calls this church to be a witness for Jesus Christ, a creative model of Christian worship, a loving example of Christian fellowship, and a humble servant to the community, the nation, and the world in which we live.
In word and deed, we are committed to continuing Jesus’ ministry of spiritual and physical liberation to the disadvantaged, the weak, and the downtrodden. We understand that our role is pastoral, priestly and prophetic as we strive to heal personal hurts and pains, as well as challenge social structures and systems that oppress and that prevent people from realizing their full God given potential.
Morning Worship Prayer @ 9:15am
Service: 10:00 am – Live Stream via Facebook
Third Sunday: Corporate Prayer
Prayer & Service
Bible Study 7PM via Zoom
Reflective Bible Study Service:
Postponed Until Further Notice
Woke Bible Study is currently on sabbatical as it is being retooled

Televised on CAN/TV Chicago Channel 36
Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
Thursdays @
Cable 25
Tuesday @ 7:00pm

There are no upcoming events at this time. Check back for future events.
ZFCBC Weekly Services
Our in-person service begins with prayer at 9:15 am, Worship service resumes at 10:00 am. Sunday’s service will be live streamed on Facebook at 10:30 am.
2024 Statement of Contributions
Income Tax season is here! If you would like to include your 2024 contributions to ZFCBC when you file your income tax, the contribution request form is available by emailing zfcbc_9987@yahoo.com. We will send you the file to complete via email or usps mail (your preference). If you are attending service, you may pick up this form at the kiosk in the hall. Please return it to the Admin Office mailbox. Your 2024 statement of contributions will be provided within one week after we receive your request via email or usps mail. If you do not have access to a computer, you can call in your request.
Income Tax season is here! If you would like to include your 2024 contributions to ZFCBC when you file your income tax, the contribution request form is available by emailing zfcbc_9987@yahoo.com. We will send you the file to complete via email or usps mail (your preference). If you are attending service, you may pick up this form at the kiosk in the hall. Please return it to the Admin Office mailbox. Your 2024 statement of contributions will be provided within one week after we receive your request via email or usps mail. If you do not have access to a computer, you can call in your request.
Outreach Ministry
Thank You ZFCBC family for the love and support you give to The Olive Branch Mission. Your donations help to meet the needs of the OBM residents. The OBM is seeking donations of white twin sheet sets, light weight twin blankets, unisex sweatpants and long sleeve sweatshirts (any color). If you have any questions, see Sis. Christine Pollard.
ZFCBC Adult Christian Education & Formation
ZFCBC Christian Education & Formation will meet the 2nd Sunday of every month. Our next meeting will be October 13th. Hope you can join us!
ZFCBC Youth Christian Education & Formation
Praise God!!! ZFCBC Youth Christian Education & Formation has been blessed to resume our Christian education class. We will serve children ages 4-8. The class will be held from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. If you have any questions, please see Deacon Kothyn Alexander.
Announcement Request
To have an announcement read on Sunday, complete and submit an Announcement Request Form, available at the kiosk in the hall. Return the completed form to the Admin Office or you can email us at zfcbc_9987@yahoo.com. Please submit 2 weeks ahead of announcement date.
Member Information Update
The Admin Office is updating ZFCBC Members information. Please check with the Admin Office to update your contact information. If any member has not received a birthday card from ZFCBC, please complete your membership card.
ZFC House Reminders
- No Recording Devices
- Place phones on mute or turn them off
- Parents, please escort your children to and from the bathroom
ZFC February Birthdays
- Zenobia Burch, 1st
- Rodney Lane, 6th
- Barbara Williams, 19th
- Pamela Henderson, 20th
- Tyvon Rice, 28th